MS and Sadasivam – They shared a special bond
Taking care of M.S. and Sadasivam was the top priority for K.R.Athmanathan, who shares his thoughts on the occasion of M.S.'s 90th birth anniversary

Few gestures of the Central Government have been received with such universal acclaim as the conferment of the much coveted Award of Bharat Ratna on Sangitha Kalanidhi M.S. Subbulakshmi (MSS).

Hindu Critic SVK on MS
THE BEAUTY of music is beyond logical comprehension. So was the invisible charm of M. S. Subbulakshmi's sangita. To her expression was the periphery, contemplative experience the core of Carnatic music.

“You sing like an angel”
RUNNING HER hands over her singing throat, the blind and deaf Helen Keller exclaimed: "You sing like an angel!". Over seven decades, three generations of listeners have known the same exaltation in Madurai Shanmukhavadivu Subbulakshmi's vocal magic.

When MS lifted her hands in prayer
I can't pretend to have known MS well, but she came to stay with us on, three occasions in the early seventies, I lived in Calicut (Kozhikode) in those days. It was a small town then, but it was visited by MS and her husband Sadasivam because it was on the itinerary for her concert tours

The melody wafts…
Listening to her voice and watching her endearing care of us... My camera would, normally, jump out of the bag on occasions like this. But it did not this time

Letters to the Editor
The Karnataka Government had organised the 400th Purandara Jayanti at the Purandara Mantap on the banks of the Tungabhadra in Hampi. M.S. was to inaugurate the concert in the evening.

Epitome of bhakti
"I dwell not in Vaikuntha, not in the hearts of Yogins or in the sun, where my bhaktas sing, there be I, Narada," said the Lord...

A voice that enchanted
CHENNAI: "Child, you carry the veena in your throat," said veena maestro Karaikudi Sambasiva Iyer. "Suswaralakshmi, Subhalakshmi," (goddess of perfect tone and auspiciousness) pronounced Bade Ghulam Ali Khan.