Asthana Vidushi by Andhra Pradesh Govt
Desikottama from Viswa Bharati University in Shantiniketan
Elected Membre d’honneur by the UNESCO sponsored international Music Council
Festival of India in London – Concert at Royal Albert Hall
Sankara Netralaya Benefit Concerts
1988 – MSS receives Kalidas Samman awarded by the Government of Madhya Pradesh.
Festival of India at Moscow
“The year 1988, the place Rachmaninoff Hall, Moscow. M. S. Subbulakshmi sings a resonant Kalyani, with the nuanced depth that would move a diehard Mylapore connoisseur. But the packed hall of Russian listeners, some of them experts in western music as performers, scholars and students, are mesmerised by the vocal magic. To most of them, this is the first exposure to Indian, and certainly Carnatic music. During a pause, a woman comes up to the stage to offer flowers, with tears spilling down her cheeks. There is rapt silence for the two hours of the recital. Then a roar of thunder. The standing ovation continues, the applauding listeners follow the artiste as she makes her way out of the hall, down the staircase, and into the car on the street…”
Read Gowri Ramnarayan Article
1990 – The Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration